Embark on an exciting real-life adventure with the GPS Adventures Knowledge Quest—a Natural History-based simulation designed for family fun or classroom engagement. This immersive quest unfolds across various Orange County trails, guiding you through a journey of discovery as you follow GPS coordinates to uncover native plants, animals, geological formations, and natural wonders. Your interaction with the environment becomes a learning experience, with each finding logged into our PORTAL to progress through the six engaging levels. Upon unlocking the sixth level, expect a real treasure map dispatched to you within two weeks of completion. Upon registration, access to the Level 0 portal initiates your quest. Completion unlocks subsequent pages, gradually revealing the quest's depth through all six levels. Upon conquering all levels, you'll receive coordinates guiding you to a buried treasure—an exciting conclusion to your GPS Adventures Knowledge Quest. Start your journey today!
- Sign up for the GPS Adventures Knowledge Quest 1 membership. There are currently 6 levels to the game. Once all levels are complete and you receive your coordinate for the buried treasure, the game is over and you win the game, your treasure, and more knowledge!
- You and your family can play under one membership OR a group class can sign up for one membership. Only one email address will have access to the pages and the treasure will have to be distributed amongst the class.
- You will need either a hand-held GPS device or access to the google maps app on your phone.
- You will have one year to complete your quest.
- And guess what! There are secrets to the game embedded throughout the levels.
Gain FREE Access to our
ENERGY POINTS: Some levels have hidden clues and bonus challenges. If you complete those, they give you Energy Points. Energy Points give you free answers for future challenges. Stars on your .pdf download indicate that level has the opportunity to gain some energy points.
- Familiarity with our trails in OC
- All the knowledge listed above
- Access to our Outdoor Teacher Resources Portal, which is valued at a $100 membership per year where you will have access to printables, field guides to laminate and use, and all kinds of resources!
- A wonderful buried treasure for you to keep.
- Adventures and memories with your family.
To use your charter funding please FILL OUT THIS REGISTRATION FORM.
Once your charter fund certificate arrives, we will activate your membership. To expedite this process, it's best to email the certificate to [email protected] and with subject line: GPS Adventures Activate
To see a list of accepted charter schools, please click here
What areas are these adventures in?
- Orange
- South Irvine
- Laguna Beach
- Huntington Beach
- Newport Beach
"If you're searching for a hands-on, fun-filled, and educational journey for the entire family, then the GPS Adventures Quest is your new best friend. It will send your family treading Orange County's gorgeous trails with some eyes on the ground and some on the sky. This program fosters a deep love and fascination for plant identification and uses as well as for wildlife. This is the best gift you can give your children--quality time together in nature while modeling life-long learning. It’s also an investment in yourself; you matter too! Your life is about to change in the most beautiful way. Wholesome all-round development & enjoyment for your priceless family with the Art & Wilderness Institute is a privilege and a blessing! I can’t recommend it enough and hope to see you on the trails!"
"GPS adventure is an educational, fun filled “treasure” hunting experience like no other. The treasure being the boundless natural wildlife and ecosystem of the Californian wilderness. During this era of distance learning and zoom classes nothing is better than to be outside immersed in nature and learning in a hands-on, interactive, engaging and fun way while also spending quality time with your family. My family and I have completed one of 6 quests designed by Sama where we followed gps coordinates to identify and discover plants, animals and insects along with hidden clues in scavenger hunt style to gain points, uncover hidden clues and unlock future quests. Sama prepares you for each quest with information on the local plant and animal life and then sends you on a journey to identify and capture digital proof of your knowledge in a scavenger/treasure hunt. As if this wasn’t fun enough; Sama has also divided family teams into Harry Potter style Houses to compete against one another to create a friendly competition and encourage families to dedicate themselves to learning and appreciating our Californian natural habitat. We are hooked! My six year old son had so much fun following Google maps around the nature park and putting his nature knowledge to work while keeping his eyes peeled for ravens and turkey vultures we needed to capture for energy points! We can’t wait to unlock future quests and learn more!"
- Yusfa
" Today we started our first GPS nature adventure created by Art and Wilderness Institute. The kids use GPS coordinates to complete their quest which includes identifying plants, locations, and finding hidden items which contain additional clues. We turn all our quest answers in like a quiz along with photos and if we pass we level up to a new quest. If you live in SoCal I highly recommend doing this, We had so much fun and enjoyed gorgeous views during our hike! We can't wait to set out again! We missed one item today on our find so we will go back soon."
- Megan (Instagram review on @atheartofhomeschooling )
"After signing up for GPS Adventures I quickly realized my kids (2.5 yrs old, 5 months old) are too young for the quest but once we started it, I couldn't contain my excitement! It's so unique and I've never done anything like it! Being a person who would go hiking a lot, I knew absolutely nothing of what's around me and always wished I did. I felt like a kid again being able to identify plants and animals and my toddler quickly caught on to my genuine interest and excitement. I'm already starting to train him to develop an eye for appreciating the different plants and animals around him. We told him to keep an eye out for birds and he even surprised us by learning the names of them as my husband and I talked about them"
- Maira
GPS ADVENTURES Knowledge Quest
The GPS Adventures Knowledge Quest is a real-life simulation of a Natural History based knowledge quest that is fun for the whole family or classroom.
Instead of the character playing online, they play in real-life, using real places in Orange County, California to fulfill their quests and advance to the "next level".
Upon Signing up, you will be granted access to Level 0 within 24 hours. Once you complete level 0, Access to page 1 will open up, SO on and so forth till you conquer all 6 levels.
Once you complete all the levels successfully, you will be given a coordinate
to find your buried treasure.
***** CHARTER FUNDS may be used for this Program. In order to qualify, complete checkout as normal and then when your Purchase Order certificate comes in, email it to info@artandwildernessinstitute with the title 'REIMBURSE' for a full refund to your credit card or paypal.*****
GPS ADVENTURES- 6 Month Extension
Extend your current subscription of GPS Adventures. You have 10 days from your membership expiring to extend it. After purchasing the extension, Please forward your receipt to [email protected] along with the name of your team.
Thank you!
- If you are using charter funds to pay for the program, please pay here and then once your PO comes in, you can email it to [email protected] and we will refund your credit card.
- Once you sign up, you will be sent a membership email within 24 hours with access to our Outdoor Teacher Resources as well as Access to LEVEL 1 of the QUEST. Please allow 48 hours to receive this setup.